Wednesday, June 10, 2009


So- this is pretty much what we were talking about...but with different equipment, right? But the concept of interaction and immediacy is the same. With performers, and not laymen- it might be brilliant...

1 comment:

  1. The part about how MIDI can be used to cue music or lighting events is along the lines of what we were talking about in the last meeting. If we had wireless headsets on everyone they could all get instructions on-the-fly about how to move, which is what the terp people do, right? That is really cool.

    There are other ways we can imagine it, too. Here's one: each dancer could wear one color, and the computer would track each one. Maybe different aspects of how each person moves (how fast, where in the space, etc.) would allow them to "paint" their color onto a projection. Things like that can really traditional choreography around -- dancers could move because the want to change the painting in a specific way, so their movements become directed by the visual element.

    That's just one idea -- there are so many options!
