Friday, May 22, 2009

In Search of a Theme

A theme or concept has served as a starting point for the IMPACT teams of the past two years and helped participants develop their creative ideas in the context of a unifying idea. In the first year, we used the book Einstein's Dreams by Alan Lightman. Scenes were created based on the short stories that explored time and relativity. In the second year we used the concept 080808 since we were performing on August 8 and ending at 8.

We need something that is abstract enough to generate ideas and yet somehow currently relevant. What are some ideas that might inspire us to explore and create responses to world and cultural issues, or directions that might take us to some tipping point?


  1. I think in terms of media ecology we should consider the negative and positive effects it has on youth culture. We should consider the radical change in the way we communicate with each other. With the advances in wireless communications, text messaging, face book, twitter, etc. communication has transformed the notion of being present. You can be present while being absent and absent while being present. This also has the potential to breed social isolation which is another issue that media ecology deals with.

    In addition to this we should consider how people are living within a continuous state of partial attention. People are constantly being distracted by cell phones, emails, text messages which has added to the additional stress people go through each day.

  2. Great comments... a theme that immediately came to mind was ...."Distractions".... or "Here While There"

  3. I like the thought of distraction, and the role some technology media makes us forget about our environment and people around us… I will like to share a short film by Drew Cappotto (M-Tech Student) we work on the idea on getting distracted by cell phones and text messages!!

    Here we use technology to create consciousness about our behavior, and social interaction.

    Hope you like it and get more ideas!

  4. Another idea in regards to the impact technology has on us is the continued increase in survelance cameras that are watching us in public spaces and even in private spaces. With the availability of cell phone cameras and inexpensive video cameras the every day public participate in this idea of watching.

  5. I really see a lot of possibilities in the idea of "distraction" as well...exploring the different faces of connection and engagement between people, people and technology, technology and technology...and Nick, I think that your idea about survelance is full of theatrical possibilities. I'm going to do a little research and will post some additional thoughts on this soon!

  6. I really like the idea of " distraction" by cell phones. Although cell phones connect us to people, we lose the chance to be here, right now as Kenji captured in his short film. As for the theme, suddenly, the idea of the alphabet 'e' hit me. Alphabet 'e' can represent many things such as economy, and the meaning of internet or on-line. Now everything is becomming e-based. I don't remember when I had bought my flight ticket by physically going to some place and got the real ticekt. I believe almost everybody is using an e-ticket.

  7. Distractions from various forms of technology is dramatically changing the way in which humans develop and is transforming environments. We should consider all technological forms of distractions, cell phones, texts, email, face book, my space. But also consider other forms of technology that we are not aware of, for example surveillance cameras.

    With these advancements in communication via cell phone, face book, email, etc. has made us more vulnerable to surveillance from local police, government agency's. Although we think these spaces of communication allow us space for private activity, they have more then ever sacrificed our privacy.

  8. Distractions... I'm all for it. I just finished reading the book "New Earth" By Eckard Tolle. (author of the Power of Now) It's an amazing book... I have been thinking about living in the moment a lot through it, and how it appears that every one is straddling this idea in between calls, and emails, and blogs (ironic, isn't it?). How do we live in the now, when we are constantly bombarded with future planning? When we are barraged with other "responsibilities" to handle? Also- there is a spiritual renewal counter-acting the technological advances that surround us. (yoga, holistic health,...general downsizing...)
    Potential workshop idea- Have the students brainstorm different ideas with full technological options at there disposal, (thinking that that was the goal) then switch the aim of asking themselves what is it that they are trying to evoke, and how could that be done with out anything other than thier bodies. The result would be utilizing technology ONLY when necessary....
